Laughing At Power: The role of political satire in film and TV

Special Guests In Discussion

A Conversation about Politics an Comedy

Jonathan Pie (Tom Walker), Michael (Lord) Dobbs (creator of House of Cards) and Maurice Gran (one half of Marks and Gran, celebrated screenwriter and creator of Alan B’Stard of The New Statesman), debate, discuss and destroy politics and politicians. “And in the Blue corner…” we are joined by The Rt. Hon. Sir David Davis MP, who has agreed to come to Cheltenham to defend politicians (with tongue firmly planted in cheek).
The event, mixed with television cuts from their series, will be hosted by British Film Institute consultant, host of many panels and discussions, Dick Fiddy, among others, famous for Not The Nine O’Clock News.
Sunday 22nd 19:30

  Parabola Arts Centre
  60 mins

Recommended: 15+

Showing Times

Advertised times are for when the Doors Open for the film.



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